
Hebe 在微博说 :

 “今天接到媽媽打電話來跟我説:「我沒有媽媽了!」然後,她哭了;我眼眶也紅了。但當時我正畫妝準備要上班,所以我好用力hold了一整天的眼淚。媽媽還強 顏歡笑説:「我現在是單親家庭的孩子,要對我好一點!我們要珍惜活著的每一刻。」所以我現在要好好的大哭一場了!外婆~我愛您,我會好好愛您的女兒。”







人 生 就 像 一 場 戲 , 因 為 有 緣 才 相 聚 。

相 扶 到 老 不 容 易 , 是 否 更 該 去 珍 惜 。

為 了 小 事 發 脾 氣 , 回 頭 想 想 又 何 必 。

別 人 生 氣 我 不 氣 , 氣 出 病 來 無 人 替 。

我 若 氣 死 誰 如 意況 且 傷 神 又 費 力 。

鄰 居 親 朋 不 要 比 , 兒 孫 瑣 事 由 他 去 。

吃 苦 享 樂 在 一 起 , 神 仙 羨 慕 好 伴 侶 。

 所以, 莫生气



It's has been long time I didn't updated my blog. I have so many things to share with you all guys, but unfortunately i couldn't make it as well because I need to rush my assignments. I promised after I'm done with my tasks, I will keep on update my bloggie here.

Have to rush back to my homie town, to pray my grandma as that day was her 三七, this is my first time to pray since her funeral. I really miss her. I dreamed her. Perhaps her absent makes us more closed to each other. We should appreciate we still have each other.

After the praying, I chatted with my cousins and my sis. First of all, I planned to watch "Zoo Keeper" with dear, and then my sis said she wants to join too, after that, all my cousins sis said they want to watch too. Ended up, the trip changed from a couple trip to a 10-family-members' trip.Lol...I guess this was the very first time we watched a movie at theater together.

we are happy family 
my sister and cousins

9 of us with 
next post will write about penang trip with my girls